Virtual Museum ~ North American clubs

Our Virtual Museum allows your dino-fan to get the best possible outlet for their love of dinosaurs without interfering with your busy parent-schedule. As a dad, I know how much time can be spent travelling to activities, waiting at the coffee shop during activities, battling traffic to get home from activities, etc, etc, etc! With our Virtual Museum, your child can participate in a live club that will give them the chance to explore our collection, share their ideas and learn the latest news from the field, all while you relax at home. Save on gas! No more late dinners! Happy Dino-kids! It’s a win-win situation.

Monday Evening Club ~ Starting Feb 26th, 2024!

Join us Mondays through ZOOM for an amazing exploration of dinosaurs and prehistory! With a variety of start times, we can challenge your child’s creativity, knowledge and critical thinking while you make dinner. Later clubs are also available for everyone that finishes their Brussel sprouts! Just joking, Brussel sprouts are terrible.

Live from Canada at 4pm, 5:30pm or 7pm EST

First club is always free!

Discounts for multiple meetings or pop in when you are available.

What’s your favourite dinosaur!!